This non-financial data disclosure has been prepared already for the fourth time. In preparing it, the Company was inspired by the GRI STANDARDS guidelines, CORE version. The previous such disclosure was published in March 2017 in accordance with the GRI G4 standard, CORE version. The organisation discloses the same scope of data (quantity, indicators) and the reporting area is the same.
The reporting area is marked on the organisational chart of the Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group* These entities are presented in detail in the report as they generate most of the sales revenue of the Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group.
The Company reports such information on annual basis, hence, the information contained herein refers to the calendar year 2018. The disclosed information refers to the aforementioned segments, except when the text refers to activities carried out across the Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group (e.g. ethics, the activities of the corporate foundation or ecological sensitivity projects). The reporting scope is also presented in the GRI Table. The Company has not made any adjustments of the information presented in the previous report.
When preparing the report, the Company applied selected indicators proposed in the GRI STANDARDS, CORE version. The report was drawn up in the collaboration with the internal project team, which featured many employees responsible for the particular aspects discussed in the report, including HR, environmental protection, investor relations, CSR, sales, production, procurement, etc., as well as an external expert who prepared a training course in GRI STANDARDS for the company.
Mr Zbigniew Paruch, Chief PR Specialist, is the person supervising the process of the report preparation and the contact person for the report. The dedicated project team, who prepared this report in cooperation with the Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A., identified the material aspects for the organisation that are presented herein. They were selected mainly on the basis of the CSR Policy, which is the primary document and the Company’s philosophy in the area of corporate social responsibility. It has been determining our activities in that area for a long time now. In the report, we focused on those aspects, trying to present them in a credible, transparent, balanced, comparable, accurate and timely manner. When presenting them, we tried to observe the GRI principles:
- stakeholder inclusiveness,
- materiality,
- sustainability context,
- completeness.
The Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Steering Committee plays an important role in the process of determining the philosophy of activities and areas of commitment. At its meetings, the Committee takes important decisions concerning the operational management of the entire Group in accordance with the vision, mission and values, which are paramount for us. The report was audited by an independent auditor selected by the Company Supervisory Board. The audit covered financial figures only.
- The disclosed information refers to Polish companies only.
This report presents the following material aspects:
- Labour Practices and Decent Work, and specifically:
Employment; Occupational Health and Safety; Diversity and Equal Opportunity; Training and Education; Labour Practices Grievance Mechanisms (within the organisation) - Human Rights, and specifically:
Non-discrimination; Human Rights Grievance Mechanisms (within the organisation) - Impact on the Society, and specifically:
Local Communities, Public Policy (within and outside the organisation) - Environmental Indicators, and specifically:
Materials; Water; Emissions; Effluents and Waste; Compliance (within the organisation)
Grupa Kęty S.A.
ul. Kościuszki 111,
32-650 Kęty, Poland
tel.: +48 (33) 844 60 00